The COVID-19 wave has swept the world and change life as we know it. We at Tabor are doing our best to maintain a work routine within the given restriction without compromising manufacturing standards. we aim to provide our employees, suppliers and customers a stable and reliable partner in these uncertain times.

The health and safety of our employees is our top concern. We work according to strict rules that were agreed on between the state of Israel and the Israeli Manufacturing Association (IMA) and their recent update on September 13th, 2020. The regulations define working space procedures such as: social distancing, personal hygiene, minimal staff on location at a given time, allowing working from home when suitable, etc.

Our products are packed and shipped under the same strict restrictions, offering, to the best of our knowledge, no risk according to latest findings on viral transmission via inanimate objects.

We will continue to manage our company responsibly, cautiously and according to the regulations established by the Israeli government. We reach out to our clients to contact us for any information concerning this matter they wish to receive.

We hope for a swift resolution of this worldwide hardship and wish good health and prosperity for our team, colleagues, partners and clients.


May we know better times soon,

Ron Glazer, CEO

Tabor Electronics Ltd.

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