Mark Elo, our CMO will be giving a lecture on Quantum Computing: Characterizing & Programming Quantum Bits – an RF Engineer's Perspective.
Research into Quantum Computers is moving at a frantic pace, and has caught the attention of many national government and military agencies who are eager to fund further research. A quantum computer differs from computers we use today as it is a device for computation that makes direct use of quantum mechanical phenomena, referred to as superposition and entanglement. A Qubit or Quantum Bit is the fundamental unit of operation and the manipulation of a single Qubit or groups of Qubits can be used to form gates the building blacks of quantum algorithms.
In this lecture we will examine quantum computing in terms of understanding what a Qubit is, how to make a Qubit, characterize, control and analyze the Qubit - and perform some basic data manipulation. Understanding and Characterizing the Qubits operational parameters allows you to establish how you would develop quantum gates. This presentation first gives an introduction to Quantum Computing, covers the RF/Microwave measurement techniques used to characterize the Qubit and highlights the results obtained in a case study alongside Bleximo Corp (a quantum startup in Berkeley, CA), with measurement performed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The presentation then goes on to show how you would implement a basic quantum gate.
The results are based on a novel measurement approach to solving the problem - using direct to RF DAC/ADC technology, that take advantage of RF/Microwave Synthesis and Digitizing techniques, utilizing concepts such as multiple Nyquist Zones operation, Digital Frequency Conversion, and Real-Time Hardware Averaging - to create and analyze the appropriate resonant frequencies required to perform Spectroscopy, Rabi Oscillation, and T1 and T2 Measurements.