! The character "!" starts the comment section till the end of the line ! Any keyword and field can be sepparated by any number of spaces, "=", tabs, ",", ";", or ":" ! Uppercase and lowercase characters are accepted even within the same keyword ! Keywords without the corresponding parameter does not change the default value for that setting ! The number of pulse sections must be aligned with the NUMOFPULSES argument ! Header CFREQ = 1.0E+10 !Carrier Frequency (in Hz) OFREQ = 1.0E+09 !Offset Frequency (in Hz) DELAY = 0.0 !Delay (in s) SPECTRUMREV NO !Reverse Spectrum (YES = Reversed, NO = Straight) GENIQ NO !Generate IQ (YES = BB, NO = RF) COHERENT YES !Carrier Coherence (YES, NO) NOISEGEN YES !Add noise (YES, NO) NOISERMS = .01 !Noise rms amplitude (relative value) NOISEBW = 1.0E+09; !Noise Baseband Bandwidth (in Hz), RF noise BW = 2 x NOISEBW NUMOFPULSES = 2 !Total number of pulses STARTT = 0.0 !Start Time (in s) DEADT = 1.0E-06 !Dead Time (in s), it overwrites the PRI parameter for the last pulse ! Pulse #1 PULSE !Keyword to start a new pulse section PWIDTH = 1.0E-06 !Pulse Width (in s) PRI = 2.0E-06 !Pulse Repetition Interval (in s) WIDTHRESHOLD = 50 !Threshold to measure Pulse Width (0 = 0%, 50 = 50%, 100 = 100%) AMPL = 1.0 !Pulse relative amplitude (in arbitrary units) PHASE = 0.0 !Pulse relative phase to carrier (in sexagesimal degrees) OFREQ = -2.0E+09 !Offset Frequency respect to carrier (in Hz) APPLYOFREQ YES !Apply Offset Frequency (YES, NO) SPECTRUMREV NO !Reverse Spectrum (YES = Reversed, NO = Straight) PSHAPE TRAPEZE !Pulse Shape (RECTANG, TRAPEZE, RAISEDCOSINE) RTIME = 1.0E-08 !Rise Time (in s) FTIME = 1.0E-08 !Fall Tine (in s) EDGETHRESHOLD 10/90 !Thresholds for edge time definition (0/100 or 0100, 10/90 or 1090, 20/80 or 2080) MODULATION LINEARFM !Modulation Scheme (NONE, LINEARFM, NONLINEARFM, STEPFM, MFSK, BARKER, FRANK, P1, P2, P3, P4, POLYPHASE) SWEEPF = 2E+09 !Sweep frequency (in Hz) MFSKOFFSET = 200.0E+03 !Frequency offset for MFSK modulation (in Hz) SWEEPDIR = UP !Sweep direction (UP, DOWN, UPDOWN, DOWNUP) STEPF = 2.5E+08 !Step Frequency increment (in Hz) NUMOFSTEPS = 4 !Number of steps for STEPFM modulation BARKERCODE = 13 !Barker Code (2, 4, 4BIS, 5, 7, 11, 13, -2, -4, -4BIS, -5, -7, -11, -13) FRANKCODE = 5 !Frank Code (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) P1CODE = 4 !P1 Code (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) P2CODE = 6 !P2 Code (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) P3CODE = 8 !P3 Code (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) P4CODE = 10 !P4 Code (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) POLYPHASECHIPS -30, 0, 120, 45, 36 !Phase (in degrees) for chips for POLYPHASE modulation scheme, any number of chips FMPOLYNOMIAL 0.0, 1.0E+18, -2.0E+11 !Polynomial coefficients for NONLINEARFM modulation scheme (f(t), t=0=Center of pulse), order zero first ! Pulse #2 PULSE !Keyword to start a new pulse section Pwidth = 1.5E-06 PRI = 10.0E-06 OFreq = 0.0 PShape RaisedCosine RTime = 1.0E-08 FTime = 2.0E-08 EdgeThreshold 20/80 Modulation Polyphase PolyphaseChips -30, 0, 120, 45, 36